EUDEC conference 2021
EUDEC 2021
This year EUDEC21, June 18-20, is FREE!
We recommend your participation, this Conference is a life changing experience!
Spring Academy is participating in the Open Space on Saturday the 19th at 9-10 AM CEST / UTC+2 with “What is escaping us?” a Brainstorming Circle on what needs to be done to further integrate non-formal and self-directed learning projects for all ages into the EUDEC movement.
The online conference will be FREE for anyone to attend whether they are a member or not. Donations are gratefully accepted. Speeches, workshops and panel discussions are schedules and you are invited to actively participate in the Open Space by offering a workshop or presentation or art performance or discussion. Please register your offerings at our webpage on the user -friendly platform kindly granted for EUDEC2021 by Marko Koskinen.
The conference will open Friday 18/6/2021 at 15:30 CET and will close Sunday 20/6/2021 at 21:30 CET. During these hours, an “agora room” will be open for chatting and information (Zoom Id: 320 304 8388 Pass: EJL06).
Friday 18-6-2021
15:30 CET Opening
EUDEC council
16:00 CET Talk, Q&A
Charlie Moreno-Romero, Dorianne de Groot, Guillain Omont
What is democratic Education, how is EUDEC involved in promoting and supporting it and the importance of the new structure of the organisation
17:30 CET Workshop:
Baudy Wiechers – Deciding together, talk and experience the C.O.N.S.E.N.T method
19:00 CET Discussion:
Democratic education in nature, Facilitator: Gabriel Groiss 20:00 CET Workshop:
“Be the change”An active citizenship workshop. Hellenic Union for promoting Rhetoric in Education
21:30 CET Documentary screening
“School circles, every voice matters”
Saturday 19-6-2021
14:00 CET Talk, Q&A
Joseph Rathinam Holistic Transformative Education15:00 CET Workshop
Behaviour and boundaries: First steps towards a democratic classroom in a national curriculum school. Sympraxis team
16:00 Talk, Q&A
John Loflin
18:00 CET Presentation/discussion:
Starting an official online school – a solution for homeschoolers across Europe?
19:00 CET Talk, Q&A:
Christiana Moschou, Politics and Emotion: Can Democracy Include the self?
20:00 CET Live concert
Jem Hannam with his guitar will rock and jam us for an hour (maybe more) with his own originals as well as all time classic songs
Sunday 20-6-2021
13:00 CET Talk, Q&A
Pepi Papadimitriou, Refugee education. Access to refugee children to schools. Theoretical framework and reality
16:30 CET Presentation/discussion
Henry Readhead will present Summerhill Festival of Childhood which will host EUDEC -IDEC 2022 conferences
17:30 CET Talk, Q&A
Derry Hannam
19: 30 Live piano concert
Simon Bauke, alumni of democratic school “Ruimte Soest” will ‘talk” to us through music, an universal language everyone understands
20:30 Closing discussion
Share experiences and make plans for IDEC2021, Summerhill Festival of Childhood 2021 online and of course EUDEC-IDEC2022
Register here