Program 2017

The program develops during the Spring Academy through daily meetings depending on the offers and the requests of the participants.

Every morning and during each day, events are added to the Kanban boards (Agile Learning Visualization Systems) which are not displayed here in the online program.

Parallel/Daily Academy activities


Football Tournament
Stories and mythology in different languages
Board Game Institute
Construction of Ping Pong table and Tournament
Art and Sewing Workshop
Aerial silks
Acro Yoga and surpises.

Tuesday 18 April

Morning Chi Gong

Breating and movement exercises for the spring of the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

Circle - Introduction

We will use various communication and decision-making techniques and old methods from different cultures based on democratic assembly without age discrimination.

For all ages.

Acro Yoga

For all ages with Janna Kraan


Acro Yoga is a playful way to strengthen trust, concentration, creativity and most of all cooperation! You can do it with your kids, your partner, your friends or someone you have never met before. The only limit is your strength and your courage.

Janna will be there to help. She has experience with Acro Yoga and she does it with her partner and friends wherever possible!

Janna was born and raised on Corfu. She studied in Athens at the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she graduated as a Reflexologist.At the same school she learned Orthopedic Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Creative Healing and more.
In 2016 she went to Holland where she followed the courses (Full Body) Baby Reflexology and the JJ Doula training.

She helps women become, and stay pregnant, enjoy birth and create a strong bond with their babies.


Non-Violent Communication (NVC) Workshop

Non-Violent Communication (NVC – or in other words Communication Based on Needs) is a tool which allows us to hear what others are saying, regardless of the words they are using. It is a tool which allows us to accept responsibility for ourselves in regard to our needs and emotions, which helps us to realize “where we are”. It gives us ample room to express ourselves – and when we feel that people are listening to us, we are much more willing to pay attention to others.

For teenagers and adults

Alexia Stouraȉti has for many years studied Psychodrama and Drama with renowned teachers such as E.Skoti-Theatro Epi Kolono, D Sirou, and K. Philippoglou. She is a Mediator, specializing in Education and Family Mediation, trained in Non-Violent Communication (CNVC) and in the basics of Systemic Psychotherapy. She was trained as a co-ordinator of Restorative Circles by Kay Pranis, and she collaborates with the Department of Restorative Justice at the Panteion University of Athens. She is also a colleague of Attachment Parenting Hellas, and she writes for the websites,, and And in addition to all this, she is a graduate of the Athens Law School.

The role of parents as guarantors and defenders of children's rights

Presentation and discussion via Skype:

“The role of parents as guarantors and defenders of children’s right to freely develop their personality, to express their views and learn pleasantly, synthetically and creatively, in and out of school”

with George Moschos Deputy Ombudsman for Children’s Rights



with Mariza Vamvoukli

for all ages as part of EN.


For all ages with Janna Kraan

Bees and humans have been working together for the last 2500 years. We have learned a lot from them and we are at a point now of depending on bees, and they depend on us. We are responsible for the health of our planet and bees show us the urgency of change. In the meantime they provide us with nutrients and medicinal cures. They make sure we are healthy and we need to make sure they are healthy. If you want to learn more about the nutritional and health benefits bees provide us with and how we can save the planet by saving the bees, Janna Kraan is available to give you all the information you need!


Janna was born and raised on Corfu. She studied in Athens at the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she graduated as a Reflexologist.At the same school she learned Orthopedic Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Creative Healing and more.
In 2016 she went to Holland where she followed the courses (Full Body) Baby Reflexology and the JJ Doula training.

She helps women become, and stay pregnant, enjoy birth and create a strong bond with their babies.

EN: Aerial Silks

With Nefeli Valerie and Melina Kirtata

Aerial silks with Nefeli Valerie and Melina Kirtata: yoga exercises, acrobatic tricks and dance in the silks. Our goal is to overcome our fears and fly high!
For all ages as part of EN.

Epigenetics: you become what you eat

Marianna arrived as a sailor in 1989 in Corfu.
In 2011 she went to the Netherlands and followed a three-year course “Herbal Medicine”. She is convinced that a major cause of chronic diseases and imbalance can be found in lifestyle and diet.
In 2012 she attended the course “Nutrition according to orthomolecular principles.” And from 2013 to 2015 as a sequel to that the course “Epigenetic Therapist”.

Nutrition according to orthomolecular principles teaches us what substances are present in our diet, and what they do in our bodies.

Epigenetics provides insight into the external influences on our cells. How nutrition and lifestyle, toxins, stress and hormones affect our health. And how to restore the balance.

For all ages.

Evening Chi Gong

Breathing and movement exercises for ending the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

Για όλες τις ηλικίες.

Dinner and Closing Circle

We will use various communication and decision-making techniques and old methods from different cultures based on democratic assembly without age discrimination.

Wednesday 19 April

Morning Chi Gong

Breating and movement exercises for the spring of the day with Val Androutsopoulou.


with Sophia Michalopoulou and Janna Kraan

For all ages.

GENNESIS Birthing Conscious Humans

Ultimately the intention for the body of work called “Gennesis”, from the Greek word Γέννηση meaning birth, is to inform the way we hold space for new human beings being born.

By providing a high vibration, conscious environment from the time that precedes conception up to the first couple of years of one’s life, we allow for a birth passage that retains more cognition of one’s transcendental identity.

A less shocking and fearless birth experience allows for more of one’s life plan to remain intact, thereby increasing the potential of leading a life of joy aligned with one’s true purpose

Sophia Michalopoulou Ι am a therapist and educator on land and in water. I currently work at Iliaxtida School Corfu, I run waterhappy swimming groups for preschoolers at Nafisthoos Kerkyra, I am a volunteer for the Special Olympics young swimmers programme and I hold workshops in water both locally and abroad.

For more details please read

Ecstatic Birth-new approaches to birth with Janna Kraan

When we think of birth many things come to mind. As a Doula I try to think of birth as something beautiful, sacred and pleasurable. So lets come together and share birth stories, fears, joys, ideas. Because Birth Matters and by Better Birth we make a Better Earth.


Janna was born and raised on Corfu. She studied in Athens at the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she graduated as a Reflexologist.At the same school she learned Orthopedic Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Creative Healing and more.
In 2016 she went to Holland where she followed the courses (Full Body) Baby Reflexology and the JJ Doula training.

She helps women become, and stay pregnant, enjoy birth and create a strong bond with their babies.


Theatre Games and Improvisation

with Daphne Moschou-Chatzokou

For all ages.

We create a safe condition, amid which we will play, play, play, while giving expression space to our hidden self.

Once upon a time in this difficult world, as we were suffocating under a layer of grey dust, we understood how important communication is.

You know, not the superficial kind. The other kind. Real essential communication.

And so, contrary to the will of our times which wants us isolated, closed in on ourselves, we started to search for ways to learn to express ourselves and to be able to communicate on an essential level.

Daphne is a social worker and mother and is trained in devised theater and theater games.


Υoga with Vaggeli Liritzi

For all ages.

Restorative practices

Restorative practices (intermediary and restorative circles) and their application in prisons, schools and the community with Alexia Stouraȉti

Restorative practices are an alternative to the use of punishment when dealing with bad behaviour. Restorative Justice contributes to restore matters to a satisfactory state, when the integrity of the community has been tested by harmful behaviour. It brings together in the same place those who have suffered damage from offensive behaviour, and the people who have enacted the harmful behaviour, both members of families and of the community, for them to take part in a dialogue whose aim is to build understanding, to clarify how the offensive behaviour affects all of those involved, including the community, and to result in a common agreement as to what must happen from now on in order for the damages to be remedied. Restorative Justice and the restorative practices started to be employed in Europe and America from 1980 and until now the statistics show a reduction of up to 95% in violent and/or offensive incidents, both in adults and children.

For teenagers and adults

Alexia Stouraȉti has for many years studied Psychodrama and Drama with renowned teachers such as E.Skoti-Theatro Epi Kolono, D Sirou, and K. Philippoglou. She is a Mediator, specializing in Education and Family Mediation, trained in Non-Violent Communication (CNVC) and in the basics of Systemic Psychotherapy. She was trained as a co-ordinator of Restorative Circles by Kay Pranis, and she collaborates with the Department of Restorative Justice at the Panteion University of Athens. She is also a colleague of Attachment Parenting Hellas, and she writes for the websites,, and And in addition to all this, she is a graduate of the Athens Law School.

Introduction to Art Therapy

Art Therapy is a form of psychotherapy based on the use of materials and colours, exploring the communication channels over and above the verbal, and encouraging the expression of emotions.

A work of art reflects the character of the artist, using symbols as the language of the subconscious. Thus through this process we begin to discover new aspects of our psyche.

For teenagers and adults.


Alexia Stouraȉti has for many years studied Psychodrama and Drama with renowned teachers such as E.Skoti-Theatro Epi Kolono, D Sirou, and K. Philippoglou. She is a Mediator, specializing in Education and Family Mediation, trained in Non-Violent Communication (CNVC) and in the basics of Systemic Psychotherapy. She was trained as a co-ordinator of Restorative Circles by Kay Pranis, and she collaborates with the Department of Restorative Justice at the Panteion University of Athens. She is also a colleague of Attachment Parenting Hellas, and she writes for the websites,, and And in addition to all this, she is a graduate of the Athens Law School.

EN: Experiential Anatomy

With Zoe Valerie.

For all ages as part of EN.

How do we inhabit the body?

To what extent do we feel our guts?

Without substantial contact with our guts and subconscious our contact with our common sense, aesthetic intelligence and instincts is reduced.
Our contact with the wisdom we embody is reduced.

We are born with innumerable neurological abilities, instead of gradually loosing these as we grow we can cultivate and expand them.

Recovering our sensation of our perfect construction, we can take advantage of the spaciousness, flexibility, joy, effort efficiency, safety, ease, enjoyment and comfort that we embody.
Like when we were kids…

EN: "Empty hands are playing"

With 3 Laloun

Clowning, Tai Chi, Puppets, Storytelling, Theatrical Alchemy, in the service of experiential philosophy.

For all ages and as part of EN.

Schools of Trust

Screening of “Schools of Trust” and Conversation via Skype with Violeta Natsi, Leslie Ocker and Dalia Hochbach from Democratic School in Leipzig.

For all ages.

The documentary “Schools of Trust“,

an independent production of 2015, explores the experience of teachers, parents and students attending free schools in Germany, Holland, England, Israel and Puerto Rico. Interviews by neuro-scientists, child psychologists, education scientists etc. illuminate aspects of how learning occurs, indicating that school, as we know it, manages to distance us from it, rather than bring us close to it.

What does it mean that decisions are made by the general assembly of the school, where students have equal voting rights with adults?

What happens when children go only to courses they choose?

When there are no marks, what is the motivation of students?

You can see the trailer here

Violeta Natsi: she did a 7 month placement in Free School Leipzig and is a member of the initiative to organize the conference EUDEC 2018.

Leslie Ocker: co-founder of EUDEC, and member of the Council, co-founder of the High School of the Free School Leipzig. Former teacher at the school and mother of two children. One of her sons still attends the Free School, while her eldest daughter graduated five years ago.

Dalia Hochbach: graduate of the Free School Leipzig and former member of the Council of EUDEC.

Evening Chi Gong

Breathing and movement exercises for ending the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

Για όλες τις ηλικίες.

Dinner and Closing Circle

We will use various communication and decision-making techniques and old methods from different cultures based on democratic assembly without age discrimination.

For all ages.

Thursday 20 April

Morning Chi Gong

Breating and movement exercises for the spring of the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

"The Art of Listening"

Workshop on “The Art of Listening” with Stelios Despotakis

Barriers and Gateways to Communication by Carl Rogers

  • Barrier: The Tendency to Evaluate
  • Gateway: Listening with Understanding

Stelios Despotakis works as a Mental Health Counsellor in private practice and the Network of Social Solidarity and Psychological Support “SynYparxi”. He was trained in the Person-Centred Approach at the Institution for Counselling and Psychological Studies (ICPS), where he continues postgraduate studies in Psychotherapy. In addition, he has completed brief intensive training in Non-Violent Communication (Tunisia) and Conflict Resolution (Armenia) under Erasmus+ Programmes, and has participated in Psychodrama Workshops.

His first degree was in Engineering Mathematics at the University of Bristol, UK (BEng – First Class Honours). He then began a Postgraduate Certificate in Mathematics Education at the University of Oxford.
Ideological differences with the prevailing educational system led him to Berlin, where he worked at the alternative Democratic School “Democratische Schule X”. Since 2009, he has taught mathematics at a state school (King Alfred’s School, U.K.), at a private Lyceum (COSAT, South Africa), to university students (U.W.A., Australia) and adults (Greece and Germany).

Lastly, in 2013-2014 he spent a year living on farms/communities in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines), where he explored the concepts of Self-Organization, Permaculture and Meditation. In his free time, he likes sports/exercise (football, yoga, pilates) and plays music (piano, percussion instruments).



with Mariza Vamvoukli

for all ages

Aerial silks

With Nefeli Valerie and Melina Kirtata

Aerial silks with Nefeli Valerie and Melina Kirtata: yoga exercises, acrobatic tricks and dance in the silks. Our goal is to overcome our fears and fly high!

For all ages.


The aim of psychodrama is to give a person a better sense of reality than that which has been acquired from one’s struggle with life. The richness of this lively and lived experience helps one to examine calmly the control and knowledge of oneself and the world through the actual living of the experience rather than its analysis.

J.L. Moreno

ψυχοδραμαPsychodrama offers us the opportunity for deeper introspection. Often we find it difficult to talk about our lives, the problems that we face, and our relationships with some people. Psychodrama gives the possibility of expression not through words, but through action: it is a method that energetically involves the participants, encouraging the expression of their creativity and spontaneity, essential ingredients of a healthy life according to Moreno.

Psychodrama differs basically from the theatre in its aim. The aim is not for us to appear as good actors. We are interested in developing the emotions which arise within us as we play out our situation without being subsumed by the role. That is when truth is born and in its extension character is developed .

For teenagers and adults

Alexia Stouraȉti has for many years studied Psychodrama and Drama with renowned teachers such as E.Skoti-Theatro Epi Kolono, D Sirou, and K. Philippoglou. She is a Mediator, specializing in Education and Family Mediation, trained in Non-Violent Communication (CNVC) and in the basics of Systemic Psychotherapy. She was trained as a co-ordinator of Restorative Circles by Kay Pranis, and she collaborates with the Department of Restorative Justice at the Panteion University of Athens. She is also a colleague of Attachment Parenting Hellas, and she writes for the websites,, and And in addition to all this, she is a graduate of the Athens Law School.

"Zero Waste Journey"

This workshop will explore the following: the history of the movement overseas and in Greece; the basic principles of Zero Waste and the role of intersectionality in this movement. We will also explore the hierarchy of needs, green capitalism, and how we can use the Zero Waste principles in our personal and professional lives, and what needs to happen at a community level.

Despina Filippaki is an intersectional activist in the field of education and social work, Board Member of the Victorian BMC of the Australian Association of Social Workers and Coordinator of the Sig Green Social Work. She has coordinated and worked in minority/ethnic schools, Out-of-home Care/Child Protection, community and urban gardens, self-directed autonomous schools, colleges and farms. She is active in self-managed and democratic unconferences, groups of Allied Health Professionals for the Climate, and groups with an anti-extractivist and anti-capitalist agenda.


An inter-age theatre collective active in theatre practice, education and research
(in the broadest sense of ‘theatre’)


With: Nefeli Petta, Melina Kirtata, Natali Mandila, Mariza Vamvoukli, Nefeli and Zoe Valerie

During the Academy a performance will be created through daily workshops a performance will be created and presented at the end of the Academy.

EN’s members belong to a variety of age groups.
Our fields are: movement, dance, improvisation, circus, contact, music and voice techniques, somatic and therapeutic methods, martial arts and acrobatics.
We create and present performances and educational programs for all ages and offer our structure as an open source model for public use.

Our structure, in terms of composition and in terms of organization in general is based on democratic council without age discrimination and nomadic theory and practice.
Our main tools are open scores, theatrical alchemy, the combination of performances and workshops and the use of various spaces beyond theater spaces.

For all ages.

We are inspired by the potential of our physical, mental and creative skills and by how unlimited their evolution can be. We are particularly concerned with the expansion and cultivation of the creative relationship between ages.

We approach art beyond cultural, geographical, social, age and specialization divisions, making partnerships outside the usual art making process.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw

Presentation of the project EUDEC 2018

Presentation of the project to conduct the EUDEC CONFERENCE 2018 in Greece.

The model of democratic education does not appear in Greece although it is particularly suited to the situation in our country. ( “Democratic schools and their outlook in Greece“). It’s an impressively free system of coexistence and development structured by very strict laws.
The preparation for the conference, the conference itself and its practical results will serve the development of education for many reasons, two of them are that the democratic model of education:
– aims to overcome economic and social exclusivity covering the gaps left by existing projects (secondary and tertiary education, destitute and displaced persons).
-is flexible and comprehensive, many existing and emerging projects could be supported by the frame of EUDEC.
The organization of a European conference will fuel a wave of changes that we expect to include redefining perceptions about the goals of education and the legalization of alternative education in our country.

The organisation team: Stelios Despotakis, Violeta Natsi, Vaggelis Vlachakis, Zoe Valerie, Christiana Moschou

For all ages.

Evening Chi Gong

Breathing and movement exercises for ending the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

"Why Mom?"

Viewing of the performance “Why Mom?” and meeting/conversation with the author of the play Georgina Tziliou

For adults.

At the Studio of the Municipal Theatre

Friday 21 April

Morning Chi Gong

reating and movement exercises for the spring of the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

Discussion circles: Our personal experience at school

Once upon a time in this difficult world, as we were suffocating under a layer of grey dust, we understood how important communication is.

You know, not the superficial kind. The other kind. Real essential communication.

And so, contrary to the will of our times which wants us isolated, closed in on ourselves, we started to search for ways to learn to express ourselves and to be able to communicate on an essential level.

Discussion circles: Our personal experience at school

School is an experience most of us have, if not all of us.

So what happened in our schools?

What happened there ?

What do we remember out of all this?

How much and how did this experience contribute to the construction of our personality?

We will share our experiences within a framework that ensures the possibility of listening and being heard while conversing with familiar and unfamiliar people.

Coordinated by Daphne Moschou-Chatzokou and Zoe Valerie.

For all ages.



For all ages

Life-drama: Personal Narratives Theater

Life-drama: Personal Narratives Theater

Workshop in two Encounters

Storytelling constructs the Self

The workshop will be concluded during two meetings, two hours each.

Christiana Moschou / +30 6974419693 /

Christiana Moschou is a graduate of the faculty Philosophy Pedagogy and Psychology and the faculty of Theater Studies, both at the University of Athens. She completed her postgraduate studies in Psychopedagogy of Inclusion at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has worked in Greece and Mexico as director, stage manager and director’s assistant, and has joint as a member various theater groups. She has also worked as a philologist teacher, drama teacher and special education teacher. During the last years, she has been working with Educational Drama and Community Theater designing and implementing social and educational artistic projects. Her work has been presented at international conferences and published in scientific journals. In 2016 she taught Community Theater at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, while this semester co-teaches, with Konstantina Richatou, the course “Pedagogy of the Theater: Theater of Augusto Boal” at the School of Drama, faculty of Fine Arts, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Currently, she is writing her doctoral dissertation about Democratic Adolescents’ Interaction through Community Theater.


An inter-age theatre collective active in theatre practice, education and research
(in the broadest sense of ‘theatre’)


With: Nefeli Petta, Melina Kirtata, Natali Mandila, Mariza Vamvoukli, Nefeli and Zoe Valerie

During the Academy a performance will be created through daily workshops a performance will be created and presented at the end of the Academy.

EN’s members belong to a variety of age groups.
Our fields are: movement, dance, improvisation, circus, contact, music and voice techniques, somatic and therapeutic methods, martial arts and acrobatics.
We create and present performances and educational programs for all ages and offer our structure as an open source model for public use.

Our structure, in terms of composition and in terms of organization in general is based on democratic council without age discrimination and nomadic theory and practice.
Our main tools are open scores, theatrical alchemy, the combination of performances and workshops and the use of various spaces beyond theater spaces.

For all ages.

We are inspired by the potential of our physical, mental and creative skills and by how unlimited their evolution can be. We are particularly concerned with the expansion and cultivation of the creative relationship between ages.

We approach art beyond cultural, geographical, social, age and specialization divisions, making partnerships outside the usual art making process.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw


Creative Writing Workshop

Once upon a time in this difficult world, as we were suffocating under a layer of grey dust, we understood how important communication is.

You know, not the superficial kind. The other kind. Real essential communication.

And so, contrary to the will of our times which wants us isolated, closed in on ourselves, we started to search for ways to learn to express ourselves and to be able to communicate on an essential level.

Creative Writing Workshop with Daphne Moschou-Chatzokou:

To look for new methods of communication.

To converse with our inside and the outside of us.

To liberate our oppressed imagination.

For all ages.

Daphne is a social worker and mother and is trained in devised theater and theater games.

Control and care in education

“Control and care in education: what is the role of non-conventional education in community development and prosperity?”

with Despina Filippaki.

We will discuss vertical and horizontal relationships in education and how cooperative schools operate.

Despina Filippaki is an intersectional activist in the field of education and social work, Board Member of the Victorian BMC of the Australian Association of Social Workers and Coordinator of the Sig Green Social Work. She has coordinated and worked in minority/ethnic schools, Out-of-home Care/Child Protection, community and urban gardens, self-directed autonomous schools, colleges and farms. She is active in self-managed and democratic unconferences, groups of Allied Health Professionals for the Climate, and groups with an anti-extractivist and anti-capitalist agenda.

Oneself and interpersonal relationships

Once upon a time in this difficult world, as we were suffocating under a layer of grey dust, we understood how important communication is.

You know, not the superficial kind. The other kind. Real essential communication.

And so, contrary to the will of our times which wants us isolated, closed in on ourselves, we started to search for ways to learn to express ourselves and to be able to communicate on an essential level.

Exploration-Discussion: Oneself and Interpersonal Relationships. The understanding of our emotions as opposed to unconscious role-playing.

Not another explanation of the lessons of life.

Not another discussion of the defeat of truth.

But another kind of discussion, based on the problems and thoughts which have arisen from our own life experience and on our interaction with those around us.

One station on the seemingly endless journey of exploration.

From the group P.Sy


Reflexology is a Holistic Healing Practice which works with reflex zones, points and areas on the body that release the natural healing abilities of the body.

It is appliedReflexology mainly on the feet where the whole body is mapped and easy to access.

To learn the basics of reflexology, how to read a reflexology map and how to use reflexology on your children, family and friends, come to the seminar by Janna Kraan

For all ages


Janna was born and raised on Corfu. She studied in Athens at the Academy of Ancient Greek and Traditional Chinese Medicine, where she graduated as a Reflexologist.At the same school she learned Orthopedic Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Creative Healing and more.
In 2016 she went to Holland where she followed the courses (Full Body) Baby Reflexology and the JJ Doula training.

She helps women become, and stay pregnant, enjoy birth and create a strong bond with their babies.

Evening Chi Gong

Breathing and movement exercises for ending the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

Dinner and Closing Circle

We will use various communication and decision-making techniques and old methods from different cultures based on democratic assembly without age discrimination.

For all ages.

Saturday 22 April

Morning Chi Gong

Breating and movement exercises for the spring of the day with Val Androutsopoulou.

The quest of a parent for the perfect education

With Wolfgang Knorr.

For all ages.

From Free School Corfu to Biskunia – the quest of a parent for the perfect education

An invitation to discuss the inevitable personal dimension.

This quest always starts and ends where you expect it the least. It starts in your own childhood and ends where the ideal education should be found – inside your child.

Wolfgang is a physicist who works on various environmental problems, and who discovered his interest in education when his son turned three. Despite his prior teaching experience, it was then the issue of freedom to learn which caught him and led him on various trips throughout Greece and abroad. He believes that the role of the parent is key in education, because only as a parent (or someone someone who assumes the role of a parent) you live sufficiently close to the child in order to fully feel and appreciate all the consequences of your actions as far as the child is concerned. He now has two children and lives in Pelion.

Τίποτα δε διδάσκεται – Nothing can be taught

Sri Aurobindo


It is truly a miracle
that the modern methods of education
still have not achieved to fully suffocate
the holy curiosity of research,

since this tender little plant
– besides encouragement –
first of all requires freedom;
without it it will no doubt perish.

Es ist in der Tat ein Wunder,
dass die modernen Methoden der Ausbildung
die heilige Neugier des Forschens
noch nicht völlig erstickt haben,

denn diese zarte kleine Pflanze bedarf
– neben dem Ansporn –
hauptsächlich der Freiheit;
ohne diese geht sie ohne Zweifel zugrunde.

Albert Einstein


Υoga with Vaggeli Liritzi

For all ages.

Life-drama: Personal Narratives Theater

Life-drama: Personal Narratives Theater

Workshop in two Encounters

Storytelling constructs the Self

The workshop will be concluded during two meetings, two hours each.


Christiana Moschou / +30 6974419693 /

Christiana Moschou is a graduate of the faculty Philosophy Pedagogy and Psychology and the faculty of Theater Studies, both at the University of Athens. She completed her postgraduate studies in Psychopedagogy of Inclusion at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. She has worked in Greece and Mexico as director, stage manager and director’s assistant, and has joint as a member various theater groups. She has also worked as a philologist teacher, drama teacher and special education teacher. During the last years, she has been working with Educational Drama and Community Theater designing and implementing social and educational artistic projects. Her work has been presented at international conferences and published in scientific journals. In 2016 she taught Community Theater at the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, while this semester co-teaches, with Konstantina Richatou, the course “Pedagogy of the Theater: Theater of Augusto Boal” at the School of Drama, faculty of Fine Arts, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Currently, she is writing her doctoral dissertation about Democratic Adolescents’ Interaction through Community Theater.


An inter-age theatre collective active in theatre practice, education and research
(in the broadest sense of ‘theatre’)


With: Nefeli Petta, Melina Kirtata, Natali Mandila, Mariza Vamvoukli, Nefeli and Zoe Valerie

During the Academy a performance will be created through daily workshops a performance will be created and presented at the end of the Academy.

EN’s members belong to a variety of age groups.
Our fields are: movement, dance, improvisation, circus, contact, music and voice techniques, somatic and therapeutic methods, martial arts and acrobatics.
We create and present performances and educational programs for all ages and offer our structure as an open source model for public use.

Our structure, in terms of composition and in terms of organization in general is based on democratic council without age discrimination and nomadic theory and practice.
Our main tools are open scores, theatrical alchemy, the combination of performances and workshops and the use of various spaces beyond theater spaces.

For all ages.

We are inspired by the potential of our physical, mental and creative skills and by how unlimited their evolution can be. We are particularly concerned with the expansion and cultivation of the creative relationship between ages.

We approach art beyond cultural, geographical, social, age and specialization divisions, making partnerships outside the usual art making process.
We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing
George Bernard Shaw

Spring Spree

A celebration in progress.

We will share our five day experience with performances, presentations, exhibitions and surprises.
So far we know that:

  • 18:00- EN will present the work made in 5 days with the Academy perticipants.
  • Greek and French swing with Vangelis and Mariza
  • 21: 00- Spring Circle

We also know that the wonderful Lucciola will feed us.