Α digital home for the community
We are creating a digital home for Free to Learn – Αn International Community for Freedom of Choice in Learning.
Here we bring together
- online and in person interaction for hybrid collaboration and hybrid learning
- administration of the international project and learning according to it and within it
- local and global communities
- all ages, the students, the mentors, the researchers, the parents and the activists

We are digitalising KanBans, Scrum and Requesting and Offering based on how this operates in Democratic Schools and Agile Learning Centres.
Families, learning communities, individuals, groups, projects, schools, classrooms around the world can use this digital KanBan to make offers and / or requests, to see what other community members offer and request, and to participate in what is announced on the Kan Ban according to their wishes and needs.

It is also a headquarters/coordination and connection node for multiple groups and bases. In this digital KanBan a self-managed school can share a workshop, experiment or discussion circle with the international community and participate in other members’ projects/events accordingly. There will also be platforms for joint communication, coordination and decision making, tool kits and partner networks.

With the creation of a global digital home for formal and non-formal democratic, agile and self-directed approaches to learning an opportunity is created to establish freedom of choice in learning in general as digital educational interaction is the foundation for many other educational options that are still not available in many places in the world.