The Spring Academy idea was born in 2015 out of research into educational reform in Greece and any other country where educational choice is limited. This research was, and continues to be, in collaboration with educational reform experts and organisations from all over the world.From 2017 until 2019 the Spring Academy operated as a temporary learning community in Corfu, Greece.From […]

The rhythm of learning
Learning happens in its own rhythm. If you force people to learn the outcome usually will not be as high as you expect it to be. We are not machines. We need specific conditions to observe what is happening around us, to be interested in it, and to feed our brain with the relevant details. Self-optimisation cannot be the base-line […]

Learning is not a question of age
Many people relate learning to a specific age. But learning does not happen at schools only. It is not only about your cognition, but it is also the hunger for learning, your curiosity, your inner drive, and motivation. Learning is not age specific. Lifelong learning is the new standard With digitization lifelong learning becomes a necessity. The half-life value of […]

The power of routines is great
We learn things by routines and repetition. Doing something over and over again gives us the possibility to bring our skills to the next level. What happens, when you know very well what you are doing? You feel more secure. You know that you will succeed. Nevertheless the time will come, when you have reached the maximum of your skills. […]

Education needs freedom
Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. John Dewey The freedom to enjoy learning and education is one of our basic needs. And at the same time, it can be so much more. Do you know those people who love to learn? Who are hungry for brain food? I guess you are one of them – otherwise, […]