Small Academies 2019

Small Spring Academies were a collaboration between​​ Spring Academy​ and ​​Casa Lucia involving weekend events up until the beginning of Spring Academy ’19 (30 April-4 May) Saturday 2nd March “Carnival” with 3 Laloun Saturday 16th March Playground Carpentry: Renovating Treehouse For all ages With the Spring Academy Volunteer Team Information: 6970387010 Spring Lunch Spring Lunch-Gathering Bring food to share and […]

Program 2019

The program develops during the Spring Academy through daily meetings depending on the offers and the requests of the participants. Every morning and during each day, events are added to the Kanban boards (Agile Learning Visualization Systems) which are not displayed here in the online program. Tuesday 30th April Arrivals Welcome Circle “Seriously…Let’s Play” 3 Laloun “Seriously…Let’s Play” Games of […]

Program 2018

The program develops during the Spring Academy through daily meetings depending on the offers and the requests of the participants. Every morning and during each day, events are added to the Kanban boards (Agile Learning Visualization Systems) which are not displayed here in the online program. Parallel/Daily Academy activities Daily Activities, Information Desks, Art Workshops, Pyramid Construction and “cinema” will […]

Program 2017

The program develops during the Spring Academy through daily meetings depending on the offers and the requests of the participants. Every morning and during each day, events are added to the Kanban boards (Agile Learning Visualization Systems) which are not displayed here in the online program. Parallel/Daily Academy activities Daily Football TournamentStories and mythology in different languagesBoard Game InstituteCookingConstruction of […]