Our Guidance Document
Published: January 2022
Spring Academy: Intergenerational and Interdisciplinary Learning Community without Borders is based in Corfu, Greece.
The internal regulations (laid out in the Guidance Document) are a document complementary to the articles of association and the understanding and acceptance of all the articles of the two documents is a precondition for the introduction of each new member. All members and bodies designated here as bodies of Spring Academy must abide by the constitution and the regulations that are laid out in this document.
The study of the hyperlinks is necessary.
The main goals of Spring Academy are:
- To act as a global, democratic, agile and self directed learning community for all ages and socio-economic situations with multiple actual localities and a digital locality.
- To provide educational services, in the context of formal and non-formal democratic, agile and self-directed approaches to learning, that are used according to the user’s wishes and needs. Services that are accessible to all ages, to unschoolers, homeschoolers, worldschoolers, pupils, students, adults, refugees.
- to be educated in non-accredited (initially) educational structures providing programmes for formal validation of their studies
- as extracurricular education or as an alternative to school
- as specific vocational training
- to complete higher and further education autonomously with the relevant permission of the competent state services
- for those who have been injured, persecuted, expelled, abused, marginalised.
- To create an Online Spring Academy which functions as a coordination node for the global learning community and as a digital centre for intergenerational and interdisciplinary learning.
- To practise and simultaneously institutionalise the right to non-formal education by integrating various modes of education into formal education; for example unschooling, self-directed education, forest schooling, worldschooling, agile learning centres, based on the right of free choice in the kind of education.
- Spring Academy defines alternative modes of learning and emancipatory pedagogy as all models of formal and non-formal democratic, agile and self-directed learning (as defined by EUDEC and the Alliance for Self-Directed Education).
- The learning that Spring Academy nurtures is consent based, trauma informed and free of adultist models.
- In the Articles of Association and the Guidance Document Spring Academy defines “education / learning and the approach to these” as what is commonly called “education” in a much broader sense that concerns the development of the individual at all levels, in all aspects of life.
- Democratic Education does not have a singular, objective, or fixed meaning. It encompasses many different meanings, logics, understandings and a broad range of theories, philosophies, pedagogies and educational practices. Democratic education is defined by Spring Academy as education conducted in accordance with the 2005 resolution of the 13th International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC), Berlin, Germany.
The basis of democratic education lies in certain rights of students. In any educational structure, students have the right to:
- to make their own choices regarding learning and all other areas of everyday life. In particular, they may individually determine what to do, when, where, how and with whom, so long as their decisions do not infringe on the liberty of others to do the same.
- to have an equal share in the decision making as to how their organisations – in particular their schools – are run, and which rules and sanctions, if any, are necessary.
- Spring Academy identifies regular democratic meetings with one vote per person as a basic necessity of democratic education.
- Spring Academy defines the self-directed approach to learning, as defined by the Alliance for Self-Directed Education, as education that derives from the self-chosen activities and life experiences of the learner, whether or not those activities were chosen deliberately for the purpose of education.
- Spring Academy defines agile learning as defined by ALCs intentional learning communities employing agile tools to support Self-Directed Education.
- Spring Academy defines formal approaches to learning as defined by Coombs & Ahmed, to be the “highly institutionalised, chronologically graded and hierarchically structured ‘education system’, spanning lower primary school and the upper reaches of the university” (Coombs & Ahmed, 1974, p. 8).
- Spring Academy defines non-formal approaches to learning as defined by Coombs & Ahmed, to be any organised, systematic, educational activity carried out outside the framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning. Defined in this way, non-formal approaches to learning include, for example, extracurricular training programmes, clubs with substantial learning objectives, various community learning programmes, learning communities, learning cooperatives and other similar activities.
- To act as a global, democratic, agile and self directed learning community for all ages and socio-economic situations with multiple actual localities and a digital locality.
- To provide educational services, in the context of formal and non-formal democratic, agile and self-directed approaches to learning, that are used according to the user’s wishes and needs. Services that are accessible to all ages, to unschoolers, homeschoolers, worldschoolers, pupils, students, adults, refugees.
- to be educated in non-accredited (initially) educational structures providing programmes for formal validation of their studies
- as extracurricular education or as an alternative to school
- as specific vocational training
- to complete higher and further education autonomously with the relevant permission of the competent state services
- for those who have been injured , persecuted, expelled, abused, marginalised.
- To create an Online Spring Academy which functions as a coordination node for the global learning community and as a digital centre for intergenerational and interdisciplinary learning.
- To practise and simultaneously institutionalise the right to non-formal education by integrating various modes of education into formal education; for example unschooling, self-directed education, forest schooling, worldschooling, agile learning centres. Based on the right of free choice in the kind of education as stated in the Greek Constitution (in particular article 5), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations: (article 26)., the Convention of the Rights of the Child of the United Nations, (articles 5 and 12 amongst others), the ICCPR, (article 18 par. 4 together with article 4 par. 2), the EU Charter of Fundamental Human Rights of the EU, (article 14 par. 4.).
- To have a dynamic, active relationship with the public sector by being open to the public including schools, offering in appropriate and special programmes, prepared specifically for schools, universities, educators, schoolchildren and students in the public system and taking part in public sector programmes.
- To propose to the IEP (Institute of Educational Policy) that Spring Academy programmes be approved for inclusion in all levels of public education.
- To offer a prototype legal framework for open use in alternative educational initiatives of various kinds both within and outside Greece. Initiatives could range from small learning communities to educational institutions and can function as partners or affiliates.
- To advocate for the legitimisation of learning communities as public educational structures with access to any educational process and provision chosen by each community.
- To be integrated into public education.
- To create new work opportunities in the field of learning and to be sustainable for both those who serve it and those it serves. Consequently to cover its costs while maintaining high quality in its services, facilities and equipment, to provide decent wages to those who work for it, not to require tuition fees.
- To undertake international cooperation with cultural and civil society organisations such as research centres, universities, university foundations and networks, scientific companies and societies, public and private authorities, schools, institutes, workshops, laboratories, higher and technical education institutions, social cooperatives, NGOs, Local Government Organisations, agricultural organisations, providers of education, training, cross-sectoral-vocational training and any formation and structure in order to achieve the mentioned goals.
- The creation and implementation of proactive programmes in the areas of protection of human rights, the rights of women and minors (according to the articles of the Constitution and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child but also of Human Rights in general), humanitarian assistance, social care and welfare, education, vocational training and professional career guidance.
- Promoting measures to create methods of direct support to vulnerable, excluded and marginalised people and communities (special needs, Roma, LGBT, migrants, survivors, children and others).
- To offer refuge/accommodation wherever necessary (to adults, minors, unaccompanied minors, refugees, the homeless, abused women et al) in any case where it is required and there is a need.
- To operate on a nationwide basis as well as in any country outside Greece.
- To establish branches in other municipalities of Greece and abroad as well as to be able to participate in the establishment of other associations with the same or similar purposes and in non-profit companies and other organisations both in Greece and abroad.
- To be able to award certificates of attendance to participants of Spring Academy activities.
- To facilitate the certification of qualifications and the identification, recording, evaluation and certification on the basis of learning outcomes, as regulated by the mechanisms of validation of non-formal education and non-formal learning (EOPPEP, CEDEFOP etc.); undertaking educational activities in university and non-university context.
- To pursue in general all the purposes described in article 3 of the Articles of Association of the Academy with all the means defined in article 4 of the the Articles of Association of the Academy.
The Spring Academy learning community is literally a community.
All members give and take.
There are neither hierarchies nor consumers.
All members from 8 years and over participate in the Cοοrdination Circle (and others of their choice) and from 4 years and over participate with requests and offers.
These ages are indicative, younger people who want to participate equally may do so.
Statement of non-discrimination
Spring Academy will not discriminate in the registration and participation of members in terms of nationality, colour, religion, gender, gender characteristics, gender identity, family status, national origin, age, special needs, disability or sexual orientation.
Spring Academy is committed to:
- promoting a culture of democracy, inclusiveness and non-discrimination
- ensuring that all people have an equal opportunity to attend Spring Academy
- ensuring that all members have an equal opportunity to participate in discussion and decision-making
- ensuring that all policies, communications and practices, without discrimination or intimidation, have impartial results.
- implementing to the fullest extent the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
- The full implementation of the Convention requires the revision of its articles as well as its translations which are a violation of the rights of the child. This review is legally required and is 40 years late.
- implementing to the fullest extent Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: “You have the right to express your opinion on decisions concerning your life and your views must be taken into account”
- respecting fully the right to “Freely Develop the Personality in all aspects that compose it” (article 5 of the Greek Constitution).
- collaborating beyond ideological differences with projects or individuals as long as their work is in line with the principles of Spring Academy.
Declaration of zero tolerance
Spring Academy operation will not include or tolerate:
- Any form of coercive / authoritarian / adultist pedagogy
- Any form of religious and socio-political indoctrination
- Any form of homophobia and repression of diversity in general, any denial of human potential and qualities due to color, race, gender identity, sexual preferences
- Any form of nationalism
- The regular members of the Spring Academy (as listed in Article 5 of the Articles of Association) are minors and adults and are divided into candidate members, support members and participating members. All members register, upon their request (either in person or through a specially designed digital platform) to the New Member Admission Circle of Spring Academy.
Members of the association can be of any nationality, who accept the purposes and principles of the Association, after first studying and signing a statement of consent to its Articles of Association and Guidance Document (including hyperlinks) and go through the appropriate admission process.
- Members of the association can be minors under 18 years of any nationality, gender, etc., who can attend and participate in any of the association’s activities appropriate to their age that they wish.
- Members can be Bodies (indicatively: schools, informal educational structures, Social Cooperative Enterprises) through up to two of their representatives, who must be regular members of Spring Academy.
- Candidate members: members who participate for a trial period of up to 2 months without paying any subscription but paying “non-member prices” for participating in activities. They are expected to participate in the meetings of the Coordination Circle without voting. INTRODUCTION PROCEDURE B
- Support members: members who pay the annual contribution. They are expected to participate in the General Assemblies 2 times a year and optionally in extraordinary meetings. They stay informed about the issues of the General Assembly and extraordinary meetings and declare in writing up to one day before in which subject / s they will participate with one vote without necessarily being members of the Coordination Circle or other circles. For their participation in activities they pay non-member prices. INTRODUCTION PROCEDURE A
- Participant members: members who pay both the annual and the monthly participation, participate at least in the Coordination Circle and all its meetings, with full voting capacity, make offers and requests and participate in the activities. either for free or (in the activities with more expenses than what Spring Academy can cover) with a corresponding contribution. INTRODUCTION PROCEDURE A.
- The registration of the members takes place with a decision of the New Member Admission Circle after their application. Only regular members have the right to vote in any case. Anyone can become a member by submitting an application to the New Member Admission Circle. The New Member Admission Circle Has the authority to accept or reject any application. In case of a negative answer, the applicant has the right to address the General Assembly to make a final decision. Every new member who has been accepted, is notified in time for their acceptance by the Secretariat Circle.
- Digital application (can be done by phone, by post or in person for those who cannot apply online)
- In person, online or hybrid. First meeting with New Member Admission Circle Signing Consent Declaration and payment
- Digital application (can be done by phone, by post or in person for those who cannot apply online)
- In person, online or hybrid. First meeting with the New Member Admission Circle
- Maximum period of 2 months of practical acquaintance with the organisation of Spring Academy
- Second meeting with the New Member Admission Circle
- Signing Consent Declaration and payment
Spring Academy has non-member Partners and Sponsors.
- Collaborators: are selected by a decision of the New Member Admission Circleand approval of the Coordination Circle. A basic agreement of purposes and principles is required. Without subscription, introduction procedure, vote.
- Mentors who are not members
- Bodies
- Sponsors: Without subscription, introduction procedure, vote.
Members are considered regular members if they are a Support or a Participant Member of any age, unless their membership has expired or they have been expelled from the General Assembly or the Audit Committee. A member whose membership has expired can return to regularity by paying the due subscriptions. An expelled member can return to regularity only by decision of the General Assembly.
A person as a full member is entitled to one vote for each question / suggestion that arises in any meeting of the members.
A full member of the association may authorise in writing and electronically another full member of Spring Academy to represent him / her by his / her vote in any regular or extraordinary General Assembly. The power of attorney is valid only for open ballots and is not allowed for secret ballots, confidence votes and by-elections.
Any member can request in writing their deletion from the membership book at any time. Subscription fees are non-refundable. Regular and cooperating members may resign from any office to which they have been elected or offer their services in the form of a written resignation by email or post. The resignation is valid 2 weeks later and only after the assignment of their role / responsibilities to another member, the delivery of material / work done / codes / contact lists or other important items to the replacement.The resigned member must remain available to support the replacement for as long as needed upon mutual agreement. The material emerging from the work of any member belongs to Spring Academy.
All regular members pay an annual membership fee and participant members also pay a monthly subscription, the scale of which is determined by the General Assembly. The billing for minors is half of the amount, both for the annual and the monthly subscription. The decision is valid until a new relevant decision is issued. The period of validity of the annual subscription lasts for a year and begins with its payment in the first 10 days after a member’s registration. The monthly subscription is paid in the first 5 days of the month.
All contributions are on a sliding scale (each member chooses independently on which point of the scale they will contribute) and it is possible to apply for a 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% Scholarship of the lower scale (especially people whose financial strengths do not allow payment in full or in part). Scholarship applications are handled by the New Member Admission Circle .
Annual contribution
Minors: 25-50 euro
Adults: 50-100 euro
Monthly Contribution
Minors: 10-30 euro
Adults: 20-60 euro
Any regular member whose membership has expired loses the right to vote on the decisions of the General Assembly and the right to vote and to be elected to the bodies of Spring Academy.
Former members can renew their membership at any time by paying the current membership without having to re-apply.
The payment schedule of subscriptions can be changed by the General Assembly.
If a member believes that any of the activities or announcements of Spring Academy are contrary to the provisions of the Articles of Association or the Guidance Document , they must submit a written complaint to the Board or to the Audit Committee. The body must respond in writing within 14 days.
A member may be removed from the register for the following reasons:
- It has been proven that the member with her/actions, obstructs the objectives of article 3 of the Articles of Association or does not comply with the Statement of non-discrimination of article 4 of the present.
- The member has been shown to have acted against the decisions codified in this Guidance Document or the Articles of Association or of the General Assembly or has not acted in the best interests of Spring Academy.
- The member has represented Spring Academy in a manner unacceptable to the common rules.
- The member has not fulfilled her/ his official role as defined in this Guidance Document
- The member has been proven to have accepted a bribe, either in the form of currency, payment in kind or personal benefits of any kind.
- The member has manifested aggressive and / or racist and / or adultist behaviour or attempts to disrupt the unity of Spring Academy in any way, to harm Spring Academy and / or another member of the Community or using tricks and / or psychological-physical-verbal violence.
- It is proposed by the working circle or the body in which the member has been elected or by the audit committee.
The removal of a member is the exclusive responsibility of the General Assembly.
A member is removed from an organ of Spring Academy if there is the consent of the other members of the body / circle if he / she has been seen to act in abusive, racist, homophobic, sexist, adultist, intolerant, threatening, aggressive, intimidating way(s) to other member/s. Discussions on Spring Academy issues should not be involved in personal discussions and members should clearly separate and respect the other members’ personal lives and their role within Spring Academy. In the event that such incidents of unacceptable behaviour are observed or reported, members may convene a human circle / conflict resolution circle / Nonviolent Communication circle or contact the Oversight Circle to address them. The members involved and the responsible body address such issues, requesting if necessary assistance from a sociocratic advisor, non-violent communication mediator or any relevant specialty inside or outside the Association. Members involved in such incidents more than twice are reported to the General Assembly with the request to be removed from the register if the responsible circle and the Oversight Circle consent to the proposal.
According to the Articles of Association Spring Academy Bodies are defined as follows: General Assembly consists of the Coordinating Circle (all members), the Council (part of the Coordinating Circle, officially called the Board of Directors), the Audit Committee (integrated in the Oversight Circle) and the Election Committee.
For the operation of the bodies and the responsibilities of their members, see Articles 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 and 12 of the Articles of Association. In 2018, after training, the use of the Sociocratic Circular method was approved as the basis for Spring Academy’s organisation and decision-making. Since then it remains the basis of the community’s internal organisation and general operation in combination with other methods of deep democracy.
It is the supreme body of Spring Academy. It is convened under the responsibility of the Council regularly in the first and third quarter of each year and extraordinarily whenever the Council or the Coordinating Circle deems necessary for the interest of Spring Academy or whenever requested in writing or electronically by 1/5 of the regular members.
4.1.1 EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY according to articles.7 of the Articles of Association but also based on the present are:
- Amendments to the Articles of Association and the Guidance Document.
- Any purchase or sale of real estate.
- Any loan taken on behalf of Spring Academy.
- Participation of Spring Academy in another organisation or association.
- The approval of the annual budget.
- The approval of the report of the audit committee and the discharge of the board of directors from any responsibility for the administrative and financial affairs.
- Proposals for the dissolution of Spring Academy
- Any expense over € 50,000
It is elected by the electoral assembly and its members are not allowed to be candidates for any position of Spring Academy. It has three members and is responsible for conducting the appointments whether they are done by ballot box or electronically according to the decision of the General Assembly. The responsibilities and operation of the committee are in article 14 of the Articles of Association .
It is a body of Spring Academy that operates in accordance with Article 15 of the Articles of Association. It consists of three members and by internal elections elects the president and secretary from among its members. The purpose of the committee is to control the administrative and financial affairs of the Board of Directors and to submit a relevant report to the General Assembly.
- Facilitates and advises the General Assembly, the Coordinating Circle and the Board in case of dispute or inability to make a decision.
- Prepares the results of the audit of the financial and administrative activities of the Board of Directors as a written proposal to the General Assembly before the elections or even in between if requested by the General Assembly
- Resolves disputes and addresses complaints of members in accordance with the regulations and the spirit of the Articles of Association and Guidance Document. Suspends the membership of the Councils or any other member of a working group or other committee (par. 3.7 of the present )
- Proposes to the General Assembly the deletion of members (par.3.6 of the present)
The official structure of the Association is expanded with the Guidance Document and the Circles.
The Board has no pyramidal organisation and is called Council.
The Chair has no more decision-making power or legal responsibility than the other members of Council. The names Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Members are used only where legally necessary.
All members of the Board are called Councillors.
The skills of the members correspond to their roles.
The members and the board staff the circles according to the priorities set by the Coordination Circle so that they are complete and functional and according to the skills they have / want to acquire.
The Treasurer of the Council participates at least in the Finance Circle.
The Secretary of the Council at least in the Secretariat circle.
The Association does not have a pyramidal organisation.
The Council does not have a decision-making and implementation role but a coordinating role.
The Council is integrated into the Coordination Circle.
The Coordination Circle consists of all members of all ages. It holds Coordination Meetings every two months and extraordinary meetings whenever necessary.
Two of these Meetings per year (one every six months) are General Assemblies.
The Coordination Circle operates by consensus, not by majority.
It ratifies the decisions of the Council and the Circles.
Strategic decisions are taken at the General Assemblies.
Non-strategic decisions are made in Circles.
The goal is to distribute decision-making power equally throughout the community (and to all ages) even though officially there is a pyramidal (adult only) structure.
Decisions are made by consensus after a decision of the members on which method will ensure the result on each issue that is put to decision and according to the sociocratic method and any method that arises from it and is in accordance with the principles of Spring Academy.
Any member of Spring Academy can be part of a circle and be part of the non-strategic decision process.
The General Assembly, the Coordination Circle and the Council may set up temporary or standing committees and working groups.
All committees, working groups and bodies of the association may be governed by internal procedures, provided that they relate only to the internal operation of that body / circle / working group. All decisions / procedures are subject to the articles of the Guidance Document and the Articles of Association and should in no way contradict these terms. In internal procedures, decisions are taken either by unanimity or with the consent of the members and may be amended or repealed either by unanimity or by consensus.
All decisions are binding on all members of that body / committee / working group. Before undertaking a key role / task, it is proposed to carry out a process of clarification and consensus on the nature, responsibilities, logistical needs and the realistic (collective and individual) timeline of the task. It is the responsibility of the member who takes on a role to ask for what is needed in order to fulfil the duties s/he has undertaken. It is recommended that each circle consists of at least two people familiar with the subject or people with experience working in the circle.
- Aim: Clear, efficient, democratic and inclusive collaborations within the Spring Academy and in the decision-making process.
To administer and manage the interests and property of Spring Academy, in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code, the Articles of Association and the Guidance Document, to implement the decisions of the General Assembly, to plan and carry out the actions aimed at the implementation of the objectives of the Spring Academy. (art.87 par.1 to 8 of the Articles of Association) - Offers:
- To ensure that all necessary books and records of the Community required by the Guidance Document, by the Articles of Association or by any applicable statute or law are regularly and properly kept.
- Responsibility for maintaining the accuracy and the safe-keeping of the Guidance Document and the Articles of Association and advises the Community on these matters.
- To see that all the responsibilities of the Board of Directors (articles 7, 8, 9, 10 of the Articles of Association) are integrated into the Coordination Circle.
- To ensure that the legitimate Council integrates its meetings in the Coordinating Circle, always taking care of the formal requirements for the legality of the decisions.
- To represent the Spring Academy publicly, legally and politically, and to implement the decisions of the General Assembly.
- To act as an advisory body that reviews and implements the strategy of the Spring Academy as defined by the General Assembly.
- To coordinate the activities of circles and working groups and to provide information to the members and bodies of the Spring Academy. To ensure the holding of the annual General Assembly.
- Its members to share an email address info@springacademy.gr that can be used to contact them and decide internally to participate in this account
- To be obliged by all the decisions of the General Assembly and accept that any action that opposes these decisions or hinders their implementation is a cause of reproach against the body.
- To appoint any person or persons, set up permanent or temporary working groups or circles to perform any function deemed necessary for the efficient conduct of the work of Spring Academy.
- To ensure all members of Council after the Spring Academy elections, even if they are leaving members, remain at the disposal of the newly elected members for at least two meetings to help the new Council assume its role and contribute to the smooth transition.
- To ensure the minutes of the decisions of the meetings of the Coordination Circle are published immediately on the official Internet platform (Basecamp). The detailed / audio minutes of the meetings are limited to the competence of the Council only (including future cycles)
- To confirm that decisions taken in confidential discussions are not valid and must be recorded in the minutes together with the necessary explanations.
- To ensure that information on the absence of a Coordination Circle member must be given in a timely manner to the person in charge of the circle, together with an estimate of how long it will last.
- To uphold that absence of members of the Coordination Circle and the Council is not allowed for more than 10 weeks per year
- To ensure that in case of a planned absence, the member of the circle must cooperate with another member of the circle who will undertake his work for the duration of his absence.
- To ensure that in the event that an elected member is absent for more than the prescribed period, s/he shall be removed from office and replaced by the next alternate member in accordance with the results of the last appointments and with the consent of the Audit Committee.
- To ensure that in case of removal or resignation of elected members of Council and if the alternate members do not exist or do not accept the assignment of the role, the Council continues its term of office if 5 of the elected members continue to be active.
- To ensure that if the remaining members are less than 5, the body proceeds to recruit.
- To arrange that in case of resignation or removal of representatives in the SC, the individual circles replace these members of the General Assembly with internal elections.
- To give the audit committee full access to the books and records of the Spring Academy and all the information necessary to prepare the audit report on financial and administrative activities.
- Aim: Internal Communication. Secretarial management of the common and digital structures of the Spring Academy. Secretarial support of the individual circles and the undertaking of the communication that has to do with the management of the Spring Academy.
- Offers:
- Communication: communication (updates / announcements) with members via mail, basecamp, facebook, newsletter, etc, communication with friends, associates and potential members via email, facebook, newsletter, etc, member / associate file management etc
- Basecamp Management: Updates “todos” in basecamp, updates Calendar, updates Log Book etc
- Agenda and Minutes of Coordination Circles and General Assemblies
(website, external newsletter, social media, relations with other structures, etc.)
- Aim: To connect with individuals, groups, organisations. To attract interest, Support, Members. Form Collaborations. To increases the reputation and credibility of Spring Academy outside the community. To publicise Spring Academy to groups of citizens (parents, teachers, relevant bodies) through printed and digital material and the circulation of information.
- Offers:
- To represent Spring Academy publicly and politically
- To receive enquiries from interested parties within and outside the Community and reply to them or forward them as appropriate
- To search for and invite other bodies to participate in seminars, conferences and related events to promote the aims of Spring Academy
- To keep Spring Academy social media alive and productive
- To provide, record and monitor information about potential partners, sponsors
- To promote actions / events
- To promote local and international collaboration with various agencies and research centres
- Aim: creating quality links amongst its members
Collaboration and networking of qualified individuals (e.g. teachers, psychologists) and institutions (national or international) to create and support training and research programs in order to create a network beyond dividing lines in public, private, formal and non-formal education as well as in the self-managed / collaborative sector.
Preparation of the field for the legalisation of alternative methods in the public, private and self-managed / cooperative sector. - Offers:
- To maintain contact with and coordinate the activities of the members
- To ensure education initiatives can grow and be sustainable
- To provide Spring Academy’s members and bodies with information
- At every GM to give a report, as appropriate, of the state of the Chapters and any news they may have
- To manage memberships
- To manage internal communication (with Secretariat Circle)
- To boost involvement and participation of members, especially students
- To strengthen the development and networking of autonomous research, educational, social and artistic structures inside and outside Greece.
- To maintain communication of, and to promote and improve existing projects.
- To sustain networking of Greek educational structures (formal and non-formal), teachers / assistants, pupils / students.
- To create relationships with the international educational community.
- Aim: creation, management and development of Online Spring Academy
- Offers
- Management and connection of a multi-team / location coordination node (Basecamp)
- Establishment and management of Digital Spring Academy, a digital centre for intergenerational and interdisciplinary learning.
- Online Spring Academy Plan
- Presentation of Online Spring Academy
- Aim: Financial administration, funding applications and fundraising in general.
- Offers:
- Collaboration with Spring Academy’s Accountant
- Funding proposals
- Decisions on repayment of reasonable expenses
- Legal responsibility for administration of bookkeeping Spring Academy’s employment contracts
- To maintain the financial records of the Community and keep charge of managing the Community’s finances on a day-to-day basis
- To present the records to the Auditors in full for auditing
- To ensure that Spring Academy’s financial records are audited and a financial report is made available to Council. This, including an annual financial statement of the year’s transactions is presented at the Annual General Meeting
- To ensure that an annual budget is prepared for GM approval in advance of the beginning of each financial year
- Optimal management of the financial resources of Spring Academy so that it is sustainable for both those who serve it and those who are served by it.
- To ensure a continuous inflow of grants (undertaking the whole process of research / search and applications), the systematic creation and management of crowdfunding, sponsorships, fundraising programs and other forms of co-financing and social solidarity economy
- Management of the capital with business viability research etc in the interest of Spring Academy
- Aim:In charge of all legal matters including developing and materialising Spring Academy’s legal strategy.
- Offers:
- Collaboration with Spring Academy’s lawyer on the agreed tasks.
- Optimal management of the legal form of Spring Academy and its collaboration with Greek and international bodies in order to fulfil its objectives by any legal means
- Aim: Operation of regular and temporary Spring Academy events and meetings.
- Offers:
- To ensure that the Spring Academy KanBan operates
- To prepare and organise General Assemblies and is responsible for the implementation of any other task necessary to legally govern the organisation.
- To approve the content of any event held by or in the name of Spring Academy
- To plan the gradual establishment of prototype educational structures throughout the country.
- Aim: deals with offerings and issues relating to childhood (2-12)
- Offers: pending
- Aim: deals with offerings and issues relating to adolescence (13-19)
- Offers: pending
- Aim: Creates and maintains a mentors’ community
- Offers:
- To coordinate with the Event Circe
- To ensure coherence, cooperation and coordination between mentors ensuring substantial interdisciplinarity
- Aim: recruiting/ staffing, compensation/wages and procedural issues
- Offers:
- Communication and management of all procedural issues of employee members (paid and volunteers).
- To monitor and remind members of the Working Hours schedule and consistency in the work they undertake.
- Aim: Smooth Admission of New Members
- Offers:
- New Member Applications and meetings
- Requests for Scholarships
- Support for New Members and Trial Members during admission and where needed for the first 2 months of participation.
- Aim: Creation of a free and safe place for all the members of the community to get to know each other and exchange thoughts and ideas, assembling the core of Spring Academy. Cultivation of a climate of trust and emotional support. A part of this is the “digital cafe” which is “dressed” with music and is open to new ideas and projects!
- Offers:
- To be present for any person who feels the need to talk about any issue that bothers them.
- In case of disagreement/conflict between two or more people, to create an environment where all opinions and experiences will be heard with respect and with the aim to find a solution.
- Encouraging the people that are working for the community
- Aim: Documenting, researching, evolving the Spring Academy Learning Philosophy
- Offers:
Includes the audit committee
- Aim: Ensures smooth operation in all areas to avoid errors, irregularities and conflicts.
- Offers:
- To receive and investigate complaints. To oversee all procedures involving external partners, the Guidance Document and the Articles of Association
Spring Academy uses the Internet for internal communications and public relations. Email at info@springacdemy.gr or registered letter by post are considered written notice . The website www.springacademy.gr and the pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Linkedin, YouTube are the official platforms of Spring Academy. Spring Academy also uses the Basecamp (a platform for nonprofits), which is kindly available from EUDEC Greece, for the digital archiving and internal communication of its members. All platforms must be accessible for both reading and downloading by all members of Spring Academy.
All bodies of Spring Academy must comply with the principle of organisational transparency, recording in their minutes of meetings all decisions taken and providing information on previous decisions. The use of the decision file (Logbook) where the decisions taken in the meetings of the circles / bodies are recorded is mandatory. These files must be accessible to all members of Spring Academy. The members of the circles approve the minutes of each meeting at the end of it after careful study. This requirement applies even when the content of the discussion is confidential. The minutes of each meeting of the board of directors, the audit committee and the Election Committee, once they have received the signed approval of the members of the body / circle, must be communicated to the members of Spring Academy through the basecamp platform within 72 hours of the meeting. The minutes of the General Assembly must be posted so that they are accessible to the members within 10 days from the end of the meeting, once they have received the signed approval of the members of the body.
Any matter that is subject to notification (e.g. resignation of an elected member, reconstitution of an organ, change of legislation, event, etc.) must be:
1. notified to the members in writing
2. posted as soon as possible on the website, being the responsibility of the general secretary and the chair of the Board of Directors
3. reported by the coordinator to the next General Assembly.
All meetings of Spring Academy’s bodies / committees / working groups are considered formal and valid if all members of the body / group / committee are aware of the fact that it takes place and fair and democratic procedures have been followed in determining the time and location in person or online. All meetings have a moderator and a scribe elected by the meeting. Decisions are made by consensus. A meeting may be adjourned or postponed at any time with the consent of the members and rescheduled. However, proposals to expel members of the institutions may not be postponed to another meeting. Voting on the acceptance of applications must take place at the beginning of each meeting if it is on the agenda. In General Assemblies in addition to any other activity that may be carried out, the report of the Council, the financial report and especially for the electoral assembly the report of the audit committee are presented,
The chair of the General Assembly is responsible for managing the speakers and the timing.The chair can at any time warn participants who are disturbing the order and after recording two warnings in the minutes, remove participants from the meeting until the end of the current discussion.
A member of the circle and an assistant must be elected or agreed upon for each meeting to draft minutes and any other managerial work that may arise during the meeting
7: 1.3 AGENDA
The agenda of each meeting is obtained with the consent of the members. A proposal which is not on the agenda may be submitted before or during the meeting by a voting member and may be discussed with the consent of the other members of the meeting. Also, it is always possible to submit proposals on internal issues of the meeting. For General Assemblies the agenda is sent to the members together with the invitation stating the date, time and place of the meeting no later than 10 days before the meeting (see article 6 par.7 of the articles of association).
7: 1.4 VOTES
Voting takes place in person, online or in hybrid ways. All members can vote on any question. In each vote, each member has one vote. The vote is demonstrated by show of hands, by oral nominal answer or by online means as the case may be. Voting takes place in circles of questions, objections, clarification of proposals to reach a decision by consensus. In case of a referendum, the vote is demonstrated through a digital platform. In elections, the voting is secret and is carried out through a digital platform. Decisions are made by consensus after a decision of the members on which method will ensure the result in each issue that is put to decision and according to the sociocratic method and any method that arises from it and is in accordance with the principles of Spring Academy.
The poll process is organised and supervised by a Polling Committee, which is set up for each poll and consists of two members of the audit committee and two members of the Board who voluntarily take over, with the consent of the other members of the bodies. The committee elects the chair from among its members. A poll cannot last less than 1 day and more than 8 days. The resulting decision is recorded in the minutes of the General Assemblies under the responsibility of the chair of the committee if s/he has received the written consent of 3/4 of the regular members of the association (art. 7 of the articles of association). Polls are conducted after a decision of the Council or if requested in writing by 1/5 of the regular members or if requested by any member, if the request is approved by 1/5 of the regular members. The initial request is submitted to the polling committee and all members of Spring Academy are informed and declare their consent via a digital platform no later than 14 days from the date of submission of the request.
The referendum process is organised and supervised by the Council, which makes the issue that has been raised and for which the referendum is to be held known to the members of the circle by any means (eg Basecamp or any other means of digital coordination, systems of digital polling like Belenios, email, correspondence, etc). A day is set and a period of time during which members have the opportunity to vote but also to express their views and questions on it. Then, after the above procedure is completed, the members of the Council count and announce the results, each member has the right to be informed about the process from the beginning to the end. The votes of the referendums are for all purposes identical to the votes of the Assembly. The referendum can take a decision that would otherwise have to go through the General Assembly.
The Council is responsible for maintaining the accuracy and compliance with the Guidance Document and Articles of Association and advises the members and bodies on these matters. Any dispute of interpretation arising from this Guidance Document, including, for example, omissions and deficiencies, may be determined by a decision of the Coordination Circle, pending approval by the General Assembly.
Transactions, transfers, licences, cheques, bills of exchange or other payment orders, banknotes or other proof of payment issued in the name of Spring Academy, contracts and commitments by Spring Academy are signed by two members of the Council.
This document was approved by the General Assembly of the Association. Any addition or amendment to this Guidance Document is the sole responsibility of the General Assembly either by convening it or by referendum and requires a majority of at least 2/3.
All members before registering and joining Spring Academy must read its Articles of Association and its Guidance Document and then after understanding its purpose agree with the above and sign a relevant Statement.
The Guidance Document may be amended only in writing, by decision of the Council and / or the General Assembly. All members must be notified of the changes by posting them on the Spring Academy website, and may request a copy for study.