Kung Fu-the Shaolin Arts

Kung Fu-the Shaolin Arts

We are very happy to welcome our new member and mentor Thomas Croc who will be teaching Kung Fu Workshops and regular classes for all ages.

SUNDAY 14/11 12:00-14:00

Croc Kung Fu  is devoted to Traditional Chinese Martial Arts.

Thomas Croc teaches genuine Shaolin Arts and offers Kung Fu Retreats in Nature as well as ongoing classes & workshops in Greece and worldwide. He is part of the Nam Yang Pugilistic Association and the founder of Nam Yang Greece.

Why practice Kung Fu?

Kung Fu is much more than fighting!​

Literally, Kung Fu means hard work done over a long period of time.
It trains our endurance and discipline and empowers us to overcome obstacles.

SATURDAY 27/11 10:00-13:00 & SUNDAY 28/11 10:00-13:00
Kung Fu-Begginers Workshop

We practice the genuine arts of the Fukienese Shaolin Temple (which inspired so many other martial arts, including Karate).

These are not competition, gymnastic or demonstration arts but genuine Kung Fu. These are the arts which made the Shaolin monks so famous, the genuine, secret arts only recently revealed to non-Chinese.

Places are limited. Registration is required:

Following the Beginners Workshop there will be weekly classes (indicatively) every Tuesday 17:30 – 19:30 & Saturday 11:00 – 13:00 or depending on the number of classes that will be created.​

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