Kumku Yamki – Physical puppet theatre
Zoi Vlassi’s performances have always represented the essence of what Spring Academy is striving for.
With great joy we present Kumku Yamki to you.
KumkuYamki is a human sized puppet that symbolizes the “wild” child that lives in harmony with nature. Kumku is threatened by extermination due to technocratic reasons of modern life.
She needs to move but she has to sit.
Chairs prevent her from evolution.
She gets trapped and stuck and becomes disssected in a “sea of chairs”.
It seems like the end of the world, but it’s not.
New life comes out through the “sea of chairs”.
Strange chair creatures with arms and legs that still have the capacity to communicate and build tenderness in between them.
This communication leads the creatures to some new form of life in the search of harmony between the materials of the play: puppet, chairs and human bodies.
Saturday 22-7-23, 21:00 at Casa Lucia, Corfu
Concept/direction/text: Zoi Vlassi
Choreography: Evangelia Hatzitzanou
Performers: Marianna Triandafillou, Evangelia Hatzitzanou, Zoi Vlassi
Puppet construction: Katarina Cakova
Sound design: Alekos Miaris, Haris Pandis
Photos & video: Myrto Apostolidou
KANO creative space
For adults & teenagers.
The performance is not designed for young children, but that does not mean that it is not suitable for them.
If you caress your face, you are touching some star.
Just like if you cut a flower or taste a fruit.
Because all these and everything else around us are pieces of some star.
We are all stardust.
Dionysis Simopoulos